Click here to download this white paper as a PDF Introduction My grandson, age 13, has been infatuated with the Rubik’s cube for the past year or so. His personal best score for the 3x3x3 is 12.5 seconds. While this is incredibly impressive, it is nowhere near the...
Lean Horizon Consulting
White Papers
What Happened to the “Fast” in Fast Food? How Prioritization of Cost Ruined Service – from a Customer’s Perspective
Click here to download this white paper as a PDF "If you work just for money, you'll never make it, but if you love what you're doing and youalways put the customer first, success will be yours." Ray Kroc, McDonald’s Founder Introduction I am old enough to remember...
The Lean Trilogy
Click here to download this white paper as a PDF Introduction I have seen hundreds of companies attempt to transform their business through the application of Lean philosophies and methodologies. Most of these businesses had initial success but eventually...
Doing Lean vs. Being Lean
Click here to download this white paper as a PDF Introduction It seems as if every organization today is doing some form of Continuous Improvement. I have visited hundreds of companies who claim they are transforming their business with Lean methodologies. ...
The Six Sigma Hysteria
Click here to download this white paper as a PDF Introduction Back in the 1980’s, Motorola pioneered the idea of Six Sigma, later institutionalized by Jack Welch at General Electric. What does Six Sigma actually mean? Statistically, it represents 3.4...
Strategy Deployment vs. Daily Management Knowing the Difference and Why it Matters
Click here to download this white paper as a PDF Introduction Mention the phrase “Strategy Deployment” or “Daily Management” and a number of thoughts, concepts and disciplines come to mind. In general, industry has confused the two, which in fact are quite...
The Danaher Business System vs. the Toyota Production System How Are They Alike? How Are They Different?
Click here to download this white paper as a PDF Introduction Having had the fortunate opportunity to be the principle architect of the Danaher Business System (DBS), I am often asked what it is and how it compares to the Toyota Production System (TPS). Much has...
Never Work Again!
Click here to download this white paper as a PDF I would rather die of passion than of boredom. Emile Zola Introduction Sitting around a dining room table last Christmas, family members talked about how long they all had to their retirement. Some were young, in their...
Lean Leadership and the Respect for People Principle
Potential Problem: Lean Implementation Success Rate and RFP The low success rate of Lean implementation can be attributed to the disproportionate focus on Lean tools and techniques at the expense of the human factor, as expressed in the RFP principles mentioned in...
Leadership Considerations for the Lean Chief Transformation Officer
Click here to download this white paper as a PDF Introduction Having spent 9 years in the role of Vice President, Danaher Business Systems (DBS), I quite frankly found it to be the most challenging professional position of my career. I refer to this position as...

Flatlined: Why Lean Transformations Fail and What to do About It