Lean Strategy Deployment
We know from decades of experience that continuous improvement of “end-to-end” processes is the one true way to optimize performance. Strategy deployment allows us to view the operating model as a cross-functional matrix. This helps organizations acquire a structured approach for attaching initiatives to the overall business plan and implement process improvements throughout a value stream. With measurable performance metrics in place, you organization is able to self-manage its Lean journey and see, often for the first time, the read-through of results.
What is Strategy Deployment?
- A platform that communicates and integrates strategy across functions
- Generates breakthrough objectives (BTO’s) to drive significant growth and profitability
- Converts BTO’s into a limited number of annual improvement priorities
- Filters all projects and resources to generate a single action plan
- Disciplined monthly review and critique of progress against action plans
- Mandates cross-functional teaming to drive an atmosphere of learning
The strategy deployment process is not a one time, or even an annual exercise. It is a process that enables continuous improvement throughout the organization, and involves everyone from senior executives, to middle management, and production level staff.
Strategy Development
When setting the direction of your organization’s journey, Lean Horizons provides strategy experts, in addition to Lean sensei. We comprehensively evaluate all relevant market, competitive, operational, and financial influences and deliver Lean-driven financial and operational plans. Our expert analysis enhanced by real-world experience and a global view of operational excellence in your industry converges to lend powerful perspective regarding your most strategic growth drivers.