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Lean Horizon Consulting

Mark DeLuzio

How Do You Apply Lean To Administrative Processes?

Are your Lean efforts primarily shop floor focused? The late Dr. Deming stated that most customers do not leave an organization because of bad products; rather they leave due to bad processes. This would suggest that “back office” areas need to be transformed. Our...

Does Your Company Have a Lean Culture?

Why do so many companies fail at lean transformations? I get this question quite frequently. I have had the opportunity in my career to literally work with hundreds of companies. Those that don’t make it usually have one thing in common: lack of top-level support from...

Flatlined: Why Lean Transformations Fail and What to Do About It Book Cover

Flatlined: Why Lean Transformations Fail and What to do About It

Turn Waste into Wealth: How to Find Cash in Every Corner of the Company Book Cover

Turn Waste into Wealth: How to Find Cash in Every Corner of the Company